Water Filters

Aquasana vs Jonathan Shower Filter Comparison + Guide [of 2022]

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Today, we shall be comparing two of the most recommended shower filters i.e. Aquasana and Jonathan.

And help you dissect through the features of each one so that you can decide which one suits your needs the most.

Aquasana AQ-4100 Deluxe

Aquasana AQ-4100 Deluxe

Affordable price range

High in rating

Best for skin and hair loss

Jonathan Product Beauty

Jonathan Product Beauty

Best price under 50 USD

Good for removing metals

Provides healthy potassium ions to balance pH

As you know, the products at hand today are Aquasana shower filter and Jonathan shower filter. We will be comparing their filter technology, Efficiency, flow rate, design, and uniqueness. So, let’s get started.

There is nothing worse in the world than a shopping dilemma where you have 2 options to choose from but you can’t decide.

Buying a shower filter seems like a necessity but there are so many good options that getting confused is inevitable.

Even the competing products make sure that they have something unique that can attract a specific type of users. So, the key to solving this problem is to compare both products and figure out what you exactly need.

Filter Technology of A Shower Filter

The filter technology used by a shower filter decides what type of water will be filtered most efficiently from the bathing water.

Filter Technology of Aquasana Shower Filter

Aquasana uses carbon and copper/zinc filter to clean up the bathing water. For carbon media, Aquasana very proudly uses a natural coconut shell carbon to remove chlorine which is both effective and eco-friendly.

It also uses normal KDF filter that reduces the amount of chlorine in water and improves the pH of water.

Filter Technology of Jonathan Shower Filter

Jonathan has a two-stage process. Where in the first stage, it will add potassium ions to the water by the process of oxidation and in the second stage activated carbon is used to remove chlorine and other harmful chemicals. 

Efficiency of a Shower Filter

The efficiency of a shower filter will define how long the product will last before it needs changing the filter.

The Efficiency of the Aquasana Shower Filter

Aquasana’s shower filter can filter around 10000 gallons of water before it needs replacement. Normally a single cartridge would work for around 6 months if used by a single person.

The Efficiency of Jonathan Shower Filter

The efficiency of Jonathan shower filter is equal to that of Aquasana with 10000 gallons capacity before it needs changing.

Flow Rate of a Shower Filter

Flow rate the speed at which water is filtered by a shower filter. It is mostly measured as GPM or grams per minute.

The Flow Rate of the Aquasana Shower Filter

Its normal flow rate is 2.5 GPM. Aquasana water filter has a unique ability to up-regulate and down-regulate the flow rate based on your need.

The Flow Rate of Jonathan Shower Filter

Jonathan shower filter also has an amazing 2.5 GPM flow rate. 

Design of a Water Filter

Design of a shower filter is important especially for the people who are concerned about their bathroom’s visual appearance.

The quality of material that makes up the outer body of the filter, its color, and visual appearance will be considered in this section.

Design of Aquasana Shower Filter

Aquasana shower filter’s body is made with plastic and it is white in color. Not many people are fond of plastic products but they are mostly very easy to use. The wholes system weighs around 2.6 pounds which is a lightweight option.

Design of Jonathan Shower Filter

Contrary to the lightweight plastic body, Jonathan shower filter has an elegant metal body with a chrome finish.

The product is very catchy and elegant to look at. Also, it can be used both with fixed and handheld showers.

Uniqueness of a Water Filter

There are certain unique features of each of these filters that can act as a limiting factor for many people while making a choice.

Unique Features of the Aquasana Shower Filter

Aquasana shower filter comes with different types of massage settings and water pressure settings which make your bathing experience a very soothing one.

Unique Features of Jonathan Shower Filter

When we talk about the Jonathan water filter, it comes with a special filter that adds potassium ions to the water and maintains its pH which is a plus point if you are concerned about your hair and skin.  


In conclusion, both the Aquasana and Jonathan shower filters are the best of their kind and the choice totally depends upon your personal preference of color, shape, size, and usability.

Both the filters are very similar in efficiency and flow rate. However, the filter technology used by Jonathan is advanced and better than Aquasana water filters.

So, my vote goes to the Jonathan shower filter because it’s pretty and it not only filters water but also makes it good for hair and skin by maintaining pH.

2.2/5 - (11 votes)

Last update on 2025-03-26 at 14:11 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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