Yeah, I am the one who is talking about water treatments for so long, why? Because I know how hard it is to encounter and sort out these issues.
Well, being an expert in this field for many years, I bet you are mistreating well-water. How did I know that? It’s pretty easy to judge… You are the one who has just fed up with these water treatments and you hear blah-blah-blah! everyone who is advising you.
How’d I know? People show up to me and say that we have come across this water issue and trust me the nasty water issues have been a part of my life. You know what I can guarantee you that you folks hence forward will definitely be acquainted with well-water issues while treating it!
Hold on here for a second and let’s take a sigh of bliss because presenting you the common mistakes you can avoid when treating well water! First of all, poking a question towards you guys! Why water treatment is important!
Gonna answer you guys here!
Why is Water Treatment important?
Water treatment is significant because it eradicates contaminants, harsh chemicals, and undesirable components, or may reduce their concentration so that the water becomes adequate to drink or becomes the desired result for end-use.
Is Water Treatment Necessary?
Well if you are taking my expert opinion then it is a big yes from my side, because if your water is not well-treated then sorry to say you are going to have serious health issues in the future.
Think of using hard water! Yeah just for a few minutes, hard water is destroying your plumbing, corroded pipes, and ugh! those white calcium deposits everywhere, how can you forget your dry skin and rough hair, well hard water is causing so much damage to you guys 🙁
But a piece of exciting news is that we have water treatment options for this purpose so stop worrying, okay? Now rashly dive towards our well-water dilemmas so that the rest can be addressed as well along the road,
Does well-water seek water treatment?
Definitely yes, well-water frequently acquires filtration systems to ensure that the water is safe to use and drink. Drilling is the main concern for well-water, with percussion or rotary drill machines well can be drilled more than 1,000 feet deep. But if it is not done precisely then it could cause the contaminants runoff.
Unfortunately, it can be a pretty easy task to commit a mistake while choosing a specific filtration system for well water. If your home relies on well water then you for sure need a water treatment system to make your drinking water safe for human consumption.
So let’s take a look at the most common mistakes to avoid when treating your well-water.
Let’s just plug into it!
The most common mistakes when treating well-water
So, peeps! I have been surrounded by these issues for so long, and these issues are on my fingertips now! I don’t even get lured by these crazy retailers anymore and I expect the same from you as well, here gonna articulate some of the mistakes among you people.
Pinching you with the first one!
1- Lack of professional water testing
So before taking any step towards any kind of water filtration system, test your water firstly. Water testing ensures that whether water is safe and clean to use or not.
The professional water testing helps you figure out which filtration system is needed, how? Because professional water testing determines which kind of contaminants are found in well water!
Without any prior professional water testing, you won’t have an idea of what to filter out of the water. So it is recommended that before making purchases of any sort of filtration system, hook up to schedule a water test.
Just remember “Measure twice cut once”, make sure to get a detailed water analysis before you initiate.
2-Using Chlorine for Iron or sulfur? It really doesn’t work out!
Oh my God! Do you guys know that chlorine is used as a disinfectant and it is widely used? But let me add here yes it is a great disinfectant, not a good oxidizer.
Where does that oxidizer come from? Clearing all the convictions against it to remove high compositions of Iron and Sulfur…
Yupp! Chlorine is not gonna help us guys, woefully insufficient. It doesn’t stop here, chlorine also produces disinfection by-products, which are carcinogenic.
so there is that! So when you get to know about the contaminants you may ask for prudent water treatment for it.
Don’t take a chance and stop treating your water with chlorine, again and again, it won’t take the contaminants away!
3-Not focusing on your well-water issues
Remember we talked about water testing before! Not addressing a specific water issue is a big mistake as well… Well treatment systems aren’t specifically designed to remove any and all contaminants.
Instead, there are certain other filter systems designed to filter out certain contaminants. Once you are done with testing your water, now make sure that you acquire a filtration system that is specialized to filter out the type of contaminants present in your water.
4-Not looking into underlying issues
It is very important not to ignore the underlying issues of well water, it seems to become easily traceable but it is not that easy to get rid of. Not all contaminants are simple to find out, as the filtration proceeds, completely understand what would be the main reason behind these issues.
Just fixing your confusion with just a simple example, if some kind of change to watercolor gets in, it isn’t necessary that some kind of disinfectant caused it to do so, or if it smells nasty like a rotten egg then it may not be necessary that it is due to sulfur.
Unfortunately, we are not aware of the underlying issues of well-water, it could be caused because of a different issue along with it… Check your plumbing and pipes because the possibility is that it gets flooded by any kind of leakage.
It is necessary to fully understand the dilemmas with well-water… Before purchasing a filtration system, treat your well-water with proper plumbing checks, as issues are possibly not able to be fixed by a filtration system.
So before you go for a purchase of a well treatment system, it’s very important to go through all the possible underlying issues and to determine the source behind the contamination.
5- Well-water pressure a considerable issue
Mistakenly, well-water pressure is overlooked and it is not known how much pressure the well water system is calibrated for. And I am pretty sure that you guys even don’t know how much well-water is being put out gallons per minute.
I have said it many times but I’ll repeat it once again that If you have a well-water system then you should know the best filter system that fits in the best interests of your well.
The water filtration system also requires a certain amount of pressure to kick out the contaminants from the well water.
6- Water Softener as a replacement to Iron Filter
If you have well water, then the odds are pretty good that you might have iron in your water. The scarlet stains left by iron are obvious and it could be seen besides the well.
So it is better to address the iron issue timely but using a water softener as a replacement to iron filters is a bad choice. You are causing a disruptive disservice to your water treatment in totality!
As the water softener works in accordance with ion-exchange, it could remove iron to some extent but it is preferable to trust a professional. As the water softener is employed to remove the hardness of water, so asking the softeners to remove iron is crazy! Don’t you think?
Ironically, I can perform a heart surgery, sounds funny right? 😀 Then why’d you guys expect water softeners to remove iron for you, consult a specialist for the water treatment needs of your well-water.
Penned Thoughts
Hopefully, this article has articulated the common mistakes and you are finally aware of bloopers people make!
So next time when you are planning to purchase a well-water treatment system, bear in mind that you rely on what you need, not on the higher prices because you might end up in creating a disaster.

Hi, I’m a clinical psychologist and inclined towards best buying practices for home and kitchen things. Critical towards choosing the best product and honest with my feedback. I’m a seasoned writer having more than 4 years of experience in multiple niches as well.
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