Water Softeners

How To Drain Brine Tank On Water Softener? (Empty Your Brine Tank)

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How to Drain Your Water Softener Brine Tank? Your brine tank needs draining for cleaning once a year for sanitization purposes, and because the resin in your brine tank can become clogged with calcium and magnesium deposits.

If you have well water, or if anyone in your family has been ill, you should clean your brine tank more often. The brine tank may also need to be drained for troubleshooting if your water softener is not working properly.

Some of the salt pellets available in the market today have additives that help prevent the formation of clogs. These salts contain high levels of water impurities or water-insoluble matter.  These impurities then cause the formation of clogs, which can greatly reduce the efficiency of your water softener.

Salt Choice Impacts Maintenance:

Using a high-quality, water-purifying salt will help to reduce the amount of clogging that can occur in your brine tank. The easiest way to clean your brine tank is to use a garden hose to flush out the old salt and any deposits that have built up on the bottom of the tank.

Be sure to disconnect the power to your water softener before you begin. Once you have flushed out the old salt and any deposits, you can refill the tank with fresh water and new salt.

It is important to use a high-quality, water-purifying salt to help prevent clogging in your brine tank. You can find these types of salt at most hardware stores or home improvement centers.

When Drain & Clean Your Water Softener Brine Tank?

When drain & clean your water softener brine tank

Your water softener brine tank needs to be drained and cleaned once a year, or more often if you have well water, or if anyone in your family has been ill.

If you notice that your water softener is not working as efficiently as it used to, or if you notice a drop in the quality of your water, it is a good idea to clean your brine tank.

Why You Might Need To Drain Your Water Softener Brine Tank?

There are a few reasons why you might need to drain your water softener brine tank, such as:


Draining and cleaning your brine tank on a yearly basis will help to remove any deposits that have built up on the bottom of the tank.


Sanitizing your brine tank is important, especially if anyone in your family has been ill.


If your water softener is not working properly, you may need to drain the brine tank in order to troubleshoot the problem.


If the salt in your brine tank has started to mush, it will need to be drained and replaced. It can also occur if the water in your area is high in minerals.


If the salt in your brine tank has started to clump, it will need to be drained and replaced. This can also occur if the water in your area is high in minerals.


If your brine tank has become clogged with calcium and magnesium deposits, you will need to drain it in order to unclog it.

Venturi valve/Injector valve:

If your water softener is not working properly, you may need to clean or replace the venturi valve or injector valve. These parts can become clogged with calcium and magnesium deposits.

Brine line:

If your water softener is not working properly, you may need to clean or replace the brine line. This part can become clogged with calcium and magnesium deposits.

Drain line:

The drain line is your brine tank’s overflow line. If this line becomes clogged, you will need to clean or replace it.

Incoming water line:

The incoming water line or water intake can become clogged with calcium and magnesium deposits. If this happens, you will need to clean or replace the line.

How to Drain Brine Tank on Water Softeners?

Drain brine tank on water softeners

There are several ways you can drain your water softener salt tank.

Manual Regeneration Cycle Method:

If your water softener has a regeneration cycle, you can use this method to drain your brine tank. Simply put your water softener into the regeneration cycle and allow it to run until the salt tank is empty.

Gravity Drainage Method:

The gravity drainage method is the most common way to drain a brine tank. This method uses gravity to empty the tank. To use this method, you will need to disconnect the power to your water softener and turn off the water supply to your home.

Next, you will need to open the brine tank valve and allow the water to drain out. Once the water has drained out, close the valve and reconnect the power and water supply to your home.

Bailout Method:

The bailout method is a good way to quickly empty your brine tank. This method uses a bucket to bail out the water from the tank. To use this method, you will need to disconnect the power to your water softener and turn off the water supply to your home.

Next, you will need to open the brine tank valve and bail out the water into a bucket. Once the water has been bailed out, close the valve and reconnect the power and water supply to your home.

Scoop and Bucket Method:

The scoop and bucket method is a good way to quickly empty your brine tank. This method uses a scoop and bucket to remove the water from the tank. To use this method, you will need to disconnect the power to your water softener and turn off the water supply to your home.

Next, you will need to open the brine tank valve and scoop the water into a bucket. Once the water has been scooped out, close the valve and reconnect the power and water supply to your home.

Sponge Method:

The sponge method is a good way to quickly empty your brine tank. This method uses a sponge to soak up the water from the tank. To use this method, you will need to disconnect the power to your water softener and turn off the water supply to your home.

Next, you will need to open the brine tank valve and sponge out the water into a bucket. Once the water has been sponged out, close the valve and reconnect the power and water supply to your home.

Submersible Pump Method:

The submersible pump method is a good way to quickly empty your brine tank. This method uses a submersible pump to remove the water from the tank. To use this method, you will need to disconnect the power to your water softener and turn off the water supply to your home.

Next, you will need to open the brine tank valve and place the submersible pump into the tank. Once the water has been pumped out, close the valve and reconnect the power and water supply to your home.

How to Clean Your Water Softener’s Brine Tank, Step by Step

Clean your water softener’s brine tank

There are two types of brine tanks. The first is a wet or post-fill brine tank where the water level is replenished after each regeneration cycle. The second type is a dry or pre-fill brine tank where the water level is not replenished.

Wet or Post-Fill Brine Tanks:

  1. Disconnect the power to your water softener and turn off the water supply to your home.
  2. Drain the water from your brine tank.
  3. Remove the brine tank cover and clean the inside of the tank with a sponge or cloth.
  4. Rinse the inside of the tank with clean water.
  5. Replace the brine tank cover and reconnect the power and water supply to your home.


Draining your water softener’s brine tank is a simple process. There are several methods that you can use to do this, and the method that you choose will depend on your personal preference. Whichever method you choose, be sure to follow the instructions carefully to avoid damaging your water softener.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What’s the best salt to reduce salt bridging, salt mushing and maintenance issues? my water softener?

Solar salt is made from evaporated seawater and has a higher purity than other types of salt. Solar salt also has a lower moisture content, which helps to reduce the risk of salt bridging and mushing.

What are the benefits of using a water softener?

There are many benefits to using a water softener, including reducing the amount of soap needed for cleaning, extending the life of your appliances, and improving the taste of your water.

How often should I clean my water softener’s brine tank?

You should clean your water softener’s brine tank at least once a year, but more often if you notice that the tank is starting to fill up with sediment.

How do I know if I need to clean my brine tank?

You will know that you need to clean your brine tank if the water level is high, the salt level is low, or if you notice sediment in the bottom of the tank.

How often should I regenerate my water softener?

The frequency of regeneration will depend on the hardness of your water and the size of your water softener. Regeneration typically occurs every 1-3 weeks.

What is the difference between a water softener and a water conditioner?

A water softener will remove minerals from your water, while a water conditioner will treat the water to make it more effective for use in your home. Water softeners are typically used to remove calcium and magnesium from your water, while water conditioners are used to remove chlorine and other chemicals.

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