
Tylenol Is Under Fire: What You Need To Know About The Autism Lawsuit?

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In recent years, pharmaceutical companies have come under scrutiny for their role in the development of autism in children. One recent addition to the list is a popular company,  Johnson & Johnson, whose drug Tylenol has been linked to a possible autism disorder in kids.

Tylenol is a widely available pain reliever that addresses many common conditions, such as fever, toothache, and muscle pain. While the medication is generally safe for children, recent studies suggest that its use during pregnancy may pose certain autistic risks in children. Research has revealed that Tylenol can suppress the activity of detoxifying enzymes in these children, potentially leading to an increase in the toxicity of harmful chemicals. In this article, we’ll explore the Tylenol lawsuit and what steps parents can take to protect their kids from the risk of developing autism.

 How Do You Know If Tylenol Is Harming Your Child?

In May 2021, a study published in the European Journal of Epidemiology found that children exposed to acetaminophen before birth were 19% more likely to develop autism and 21% more likely to show signs of ADHD. 

You might certainly file a Tylenol lawsuit alleging a link to autism in children; however, one big concern is understanding the effects of Tylenol on your kid and proving the correlation. Here are a few symptoms that can indicate autism in your child.

  • Social withdrawal
  • Unusual sensitivity to light and sound.
  • Indifference to pain or temperature
  • Language delays
  • Difficulty interacting socially
  • Repetitive movements, etc.

What are the allegations?

The Tylenol lawsuits claim have been made on the following allegations.

  • Pregnant mothers who took Tylenol during pregnancy claim that the drug caused autism in their children. 
  • The drug manufacturer, Johnson & Johnson, was either aware or should have been aware of the possible risks.
  • Johnson & Johnson failed to label the warning and notify the public about the possible risks.

How is Johnson & Johnson responding?

The drug manufacturer has been responding to the allegations patiently. If you are also facing any concerns regarding Tylenol, you can visit their official website and find more information on how to contact them. A dedicated team of people has been assigned to resolve any questions or concerns. The manufacturer is also cooperating with an internal audit into the allegations.

As the Tylenol Lawsuit is taking pace, it’s important to stay updated with the latest information and developments on the case. That will help you better to understand the facts of the case and know any advancements made by the company. 

What should you do if you’ve taken Tylenol?

We have discussed the various symptoms. If you face any of these and suspect Tylenol can be the reason, you should immediately –

  • Call 911
  • Call Poison Control at 800-222-1222

Emergency health personnel are available throughout the day. They might ask you to hand over the last medicine that you took before your symptoms appeared or worsened. So, remember to keep the Tylenol tablets with you, if possible. 

What Parents Need To Know About Protecting Their Kids From Autism?

While Tylenol is considered safe for children, the possible links to Autism can’t be ignored. We suggest you ask your doctor before giving Tylenol to your child, especially if they are younger than two years. Your doctor can recommend the correct dosage based on your child’s weight. 

Are you eligible for a Tylenol lawsuit?

If your child has been diagnosed with autism and you used Tylenol/Acetaminophen while pregnant, you are qualified for a lawsuit. You need to discuss your case with a legal counsel who will help to fetch the medical records and try to prove a strong correlation between the drug and your child’s autism.

Resources Available For Those Affected by the Tylenol Lawsuit

If you think that your child’s autism could result from exposure to Tylenol or acetaminophen, you are eligible to file a claim against the company and are entitled to receive compensation. For this, you need to contact a Tylenol autism attorney. A knowledgeable lawyer will help to establish a link between the use of Tylenol/acetaminophen taken during pregnancy which affected the child and developed Autism. 


As a parent, it can be difficult to see your child struggling with Autism, especially if over-the-counter medication is responsible for the condition. While you can’t go back in time and wish you didn’t take medicine, you can certainly claim the compensation amount for your child’s recovery. Don’t delay to contact an experienced Tylenol lawsuit attorney for a free case review.

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